Ponneuf-san won't fight
But I want to see his activity lol

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Perso, j'ai le sentiment et la conviction qu'ils doivent renouer avec une certaine direction artistique un peu plus nipponne que les 2 derniers opus. Un retour vers le style Alpha mais en 3D.

Murata ferait TRES BIEN l'affaire en tant que chara-designer!!!

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Happy Birthday Best Girl 🥰
Man, already the second B-Day with you. How time flies huh? Happy I stuck with you and your Ponness so far. So thanks for the wonderful times Aoi
Art by , captured your cuteness really well 💙💙
Drive in the replies~

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Another alt design of Ponneko!🤖🐈
Thanks, for the first design
fox mixing different option
for the final look
for helping with the initial idea
for coloring
and for producing the idea

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Lerna (in the Peloponnese) is one of the mythical landscapes I take most interest in. One of its famous inhabitants was the many-headed hydra (here pictured by Gustave Moreau). According to Pausanias he lived beneath a plane tree at the source of river Amymone.

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La vie rêvée des jeunes filles 🌹 (volume 4)
*Se pomponner après le bain 🧴
*Mettre une nouvelle paire de boucles d'oreilles 👂
*S'apprêter à souffler les bougies de son gâteau d'anniversaire 🎂
*Essayer de noyer une adversaire 🌊

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L'une des images dans la galerie de Dribble fait référence à "Crazy Galaxy", un poisson d'avril pour la version niponne de Nintendo Badge Arcade décrivant un faux jeu mettant en vedette Ashley

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ur gay ur cute ur a nerd and u can't help but think about how unbelievablely ponners i am

2 10

Journée friponne...
J'ai enfin réussi à mettre la main sur le sublime français de - La légende du démon et L'enfant errant. ☺️

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Hercules first of 12tasks: Defeat the Nemean Lion.
The Nimean Lion was not just "a lion". It was, in Greek Mythology,  a monster lion living in Nemea (a city on the Peloponnese).
Wall fresco in Herculaneum
Anonymous hand-colored (gouache) copper etching.
Published 1757-1792

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The return of the Heracleidae (descendants of Heracles-Perseus) against Atreidae (descendants of Atreus-Pelops) over rule of Mycenaean kingdoms of Peloponnese lasted many years:
- Hyllus, greatest son of Heracles, tried twice & slained in single combat by Echemus, king of Tegea.

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I've had this one in my head for a long time
along with one of Latte using her spon and hitting someone with the word "sponned" in the bg

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Samurai Champloo, le mélange parfait entre culture nipponne et hip-hop ✨

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