I've been feeling this comic by PoorlyDrawnLines lately.

61 206

As it turns out, it’s SUPER difficult to ignore my artistic instincts and draw characters poorly,,, Nevertheless, here we are, nine “poorly drawn” characters later~

9 33


this was honestly a really fun warmup and!!! i wanna go more wild!!!! go worse!!!!!

7 19

Welcome to poorlydrawndsmp! Runs by anon so just call me poorly or whatever you want. This account was made as a joke and I didn't want to spam my main, so don't take things seriously bc we're all just having fun here! +


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Kiss Me Under The Mistletoe 💋 for the Merry Hoe-Mas Challenge 🎄

4 27

Das hier sind BTW poorly drawn friends 8D sendet mir ein entsprechendes Selfie per DM und ihr kommt auf den Stapel. Wenn ihr dran seid, müsst ihr mir eine Frage beantworten zum Portrait einer anderen Person 8D

Falls ihr das lame findet, mutet bitte !

1 13

The four sonas BUT they're very poorly drawn/Adult Swim material.

Moxie - Mine
Chill Bill -
DJ Kat -
Keone -

3 18

I've become too advanced for this account... the background has THREE COLOURS 😮#PoorlyDrawnMSPaint

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