Popipopipopopipopipo *megalovania*

56 383


Hare hare yukai, PoPiPo, Luka Luka Night Fever, el Opening de Lucky Star, Love and Joy.

Esos eran unos cuantos de los bailes que aprendí para los eventos Otaku antes de que Just Dance se volviera un juego típico.

¿Tú te sabías alguno? ¿Era de vocaloid? 👀

24 664

Since i won the mutual battle
I can now announce
I will work on a peak three rendition of PoPiPos music video!

3 16

uy a ver en que andará el productor de popipo y triple baka-

0 10

New Adoptable Auction
Theme : Hello, Summer
SB $50
min $3
Payment accepted via PayPal

DM if interest!

0 1

Modern Vocaloid songs will never have the same energy as classics like Popipo

0 2

Solaria sings "PoPiPo" by LamazeP

Check it out, it's very tasty 🍅


4 3

!!!!! it was nice finally meeting u after knowing u for years uehehehehe 😁 sing more popipo next time wahaha i hope u enjoy urself too!!!!! sry for scuffed drawing 😵‍💫

3 33

Vegetable juice is temporary but popipo is forever

8 35