La despenalización de la cannabis va contra las lógicas punitivas legales que la derecha impuso en nuestro país.
El populismo penal no resolvió nada y causó mucho dolor.

610 2079

Mediocridad política, malos modos, populismo, jaurías humanas y alaridos fascistas.... Estos son los principales elementos que existen en ...mientras en el ... largas siestas y ausencias de funcionarios públicos

19 23

Los populismos políticos intentan enfangar a todos ya todo, desprestigiar el sistema y erigirse como solución salvadora para hacerse con el poder, una vez lo hayan conseguido ya no hay marcha atrás.

4 8

Il è il delitto, la riduzione della democrazia è il castigo... E il populismo è l'arma.

Questa è l'ultima vignetta che disegno per dire al ed è anche la mia preferita.
È stato un onore combattere con tutti voi!

443 1303

Oikeistopopulismi pähkinänkuoressa.

31 249

Populism is emerging in every country in the world. A world heritage of a certain country that connects Asia and Europe is changed from a museum to a religious facility. A global problem caused by policies that cause sleeping children.

0 0

"Una difesa del buonismo. Ce n'è bisogno perché non si ragiona più. E invece occorre confrontarsi, anche litigare. Abbiamo bisogno di bontà per opporci al populismo più becero."
oggi su , tra compleanni e "Quell'idiota di Bobo":

4 8

Nos ceban con populismo y picamos con facilidad.

18 26

Financial Times: Jair Bolsonaro’s populism is leading Brazil to Disaster

44 153

Para el peligroso populismo de extrema derecha no hay límites, todo vale.

5 6

Populismo en el pleno del Congreso para pescar votos ¿El fin justifica los medios?

29 45

The medical-populism pinup
Ready for your daily injection...
Art by Michael Smirnov

1 5

Retornos de Gramsci. La avalancha de y inspirados en el filósofo italiano refleja la actualidad de su obra, inspiradora tanto del populismo español como de la derecha radical en Francia y Estados Unidos . .

3 13

🔹Democracy Is Not Forever: The Eventual Destruction of Democracy by the Fears of the Masses
By SASAKI Takeshi

0 3

Then in 2016 something happened that would transform both 4chan and the fandom forever, even if most bronies wouldn't realize it for years. The polarization of politics reached its peak with the election of Donald Trump. Right-wing populism entered its heyday, with 4chan in tow.

10 173

If you visit the US you realise Trump has picked up votes from all the Red Necks and what would have been the old hard union types with his populism. Must of the better educated are what I call centrist democrats, including Micheal Bloomberg. (Far left become hard right)

1 3

Now that Brexit is behind him, Britain's PM Boris Johnson is leading the charge into Green New Deal transformation of England.

7 4

RR: When you think about it—synthesizing political polarities into sustainable populism is pretty simple.
7S: Plus! the US vs THEM mentality boils down to ONE group of maniacs. And our Self-Help Emporium & Laugh Center for the Downtrodden Masses is srs business.
RR: *Taps nose*

1 3