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Austria (1792-5) saw Le Brun move to a more neoclassical style, reflecting the rise of that school & the revolution in France. Marguerite Porporati (1792), Hyacinthe Gabrielle Roland (1791) & Countess Kaganeck (1792). Her painting of Porporati is a masterpiece
Nicola Porpora - Salve Regina in fa maggiore (Dantone) https://t.co/jSIQkbAohR via @YouTube #musiquebaroque
« Le Salve Regina en fa majeur s’inscrit dans le registre des musiques sacrées. La plus célèbre des antiennes adressées à Marie est mise en musique par Nicolas Porpora »
Atzīmējot #BICG 10-gadi, lūdzu @KarikaturaLv uzzīmēt kā izskatījās korporporatīvā pārvaldība & padomes darbs pirms 10 gadiem, kā tagad. Uzlabojumi ir ievērojami, tomēr pārvaldības prakse joprojām ir salīdzinoši trausla. Tas, ko redzam pirms 10 gadiem, dažkārt nekur nav pazudis.
20h30 sur Twitch avec du Giorno Porpora ! #RT OR FAV SI TU VEUX ME SOUTENIR ;) !
I only have ten OC's but I did this anyway, lol. I really struggled with putting Porpora in goth/nerd or prep/nerd because I really feel like I'm all three, but ultimately went with goth since the majority of my wardrobe is greys and blacks.