Austria (1792-5) saw Le Brun move to a more neoclassical style, reflecting the rise of that school & the revolution in France. Marguerite Porporati (1792), Hyacinthe Gabrielle Roland (1791) & Countess Kaganeck (1792). Her painting of Porporati is a masterpiece

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Nicola Porpora - Salve Regina in fa maggiore (Dantone) via

« Le Salve Regina en fa majeur s’inscrit dans le registre des musiques sacrées. La plus célèbre des antiennes adressées à Marie est mise en musique par Nicolas Porpora »

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Atzīmējot 10-gadi, lūdzu uzzīmēt kā izskatījās korporporatīvā pārvaldība & padomes darbs pirms 10 gadiem, kā tagad. Uzlabojumi ir ievērojami, tomēr pārvaldības prakse joprojām ir salīdzinoši trausla. Tas, ko redzam pirms 10 gadiem, dažkārt nekur nav pazudis.

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Nem Porporaさん!

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20h30 sur Twitch avec du Giorno Porpora ! OR FAV SI TU VEUX ME SOUTENIR ;) !

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I only have ten OC's but I did this anyway, lol. I really struggled with putting Porpora in goth/nerd or prep/nerd because I really feel like I'm all three, but ultimately went with goth since the majority of my wardrobe is greys and blacks.

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Donato Porpora from “Tokyo Ghoul!”

Program used: Clip Studio Paint

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Porpora has had a few changes over the years

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