Yesterday on stream I got so stressed out trying to draw a Steelix from memory that i drew a portly boy on a horse to calm down

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Tucker! Red Squirrel! Portly Souvenir Shop Owner. Used to be skinny but took a potion that allows him to rapidly gain weight and keep his belly big. As. He often gets in situations where he gets fatter and fatter, dangerously close to bursting.

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“I am looking for a maid of three-and-ten. A highborn maid and very beautiful, with blue eyes and auburn hair. She may have been traveling with a portly knight of forty years, or perhaps with a fool. Have you seen her?”

-Brienne I, A Feast For Crows

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It’s the spooky season! I’ve made a color version of this portly vampire from Halloween past.

Stay safe and eat plenty of candy, guys :)

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"The portly dog waves his hand around, a serious look forming as he conjures a spell."

Wanted to do something for the month! Warlock Dog with a gluttonous patron... Who I will need to design later probably......

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Mario’s entire design and concept is so interesting because he feels like something you don’t usually see out of a video game character.

He isn’t some cocky animal, JPRG pretty boy or a big tough guy, he’s just some portly big nosed mustached man in overalls and yet it works.

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😂 sprouts are banned in my house. Once a year at Xmas i cook exactly 3 sprouts for my partner as a concession. Its become an annual joke that he is allowed his yearly spout quota. He always picks the portly ones for maximum sproutage too.

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I got big cheek~ :3

Got a new icon from @.portlypigeon

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With my portly portable home office, I really don’t need to go to the gym more often!

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Finally getting round to playing Death of the Outsider and fuck me does Piotr Jabłoński’s art blow ma portly erse right aff

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He was certainly full now that the buffet was empty. Having been voided of its food, the staff weren't keen on the portly character staying.

They used the word "freeloading".

Shoko pulled out his receipt. Seems they forgot he already paid.

Raffle reward for

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I just found out that both Laika characters “Coraline Jones and Winnie Portly-Rind” are voiced by actual celebrity sisters Ellie and Dakota Fanning.

This is new news to me.

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Ron Jeremy as Maradona? Sean Michaels as Ruud Gullit? If the idea of an Italia '90 porn film isn't bonkers enough, then the sight of a portly Jeremy playing El Diego was worth the admission ticket.

Get ready for the World Cup's bluest ever story 👉

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Why does EVERYONE have to go through the sexy and handsome-o-fier in the FF7 remake? Even the original FF7 artwork shows that he's a big, portly man with a huge beard. Sigh.

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It’s time! I had many different ideas going into this one, but chose a simple for this month’s theme. I hope this portly old soul brings a smile or two today.

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This is a headshot of my portly Khajiit healer, Ri'zaka-Do! A lot of what I post is going to be Elder Scrolls/Beastars because that's just what I've been in the mood for lately! Hope you guys enjoy!

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portly рaργгυs pose practice
プクプク ハ°ヒ°ノレス ポーズ プラクティス

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One of the passenger renders in Great Festival Adventure is a combination of the lady with the green floppy hat's body and the head of the stationmaster's wife. While another is the S2 portly body with a bowler hat head (with the bodies recoloured both times)

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