How can you not love and ?! Next up is Zaraki 😎 btw I will be selling these prints at this April ! Be sure to snatch one 🦔💖

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Your daily dose of culture courtesy of Count Yorga, Vampire (1970) - "Indeed, the lips of the stranger drip honey, and her mouth is smoother than oil; But in the end she is as bitter as wormwood, as sharp as a two-edged sword." - Prov. 5:3,4

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(黄笠 KiKasa)
Tweaked the colours on my Comiket poster……

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New listing in my shop! Sci-fi art PRINT of digital painting, surreal girl portrait poster…

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New listing in my shop! Sci-fi art PRINT of digital painting, surreal girl portrait poster…

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New item: Johnny Depp art PRINT, printed pencil drawing, GICLEE PRINT, movie actor fanart fine print, Johnny poster…

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Still waiting on the reprints of my American Werewolf posters. Meanwhile I’m progressing with my next movie poster…

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