I set 4 candles
With blackest wax
I prayed to Mammon
For fame in my tracks
His deal was harsh
To get what I
I must spill my blood
Over his savant
I gave 2 cups
I fell, they reaped
Never try to deal
With the devils sheep

4 24

Fifi made you cookies! Hopefully she hasn't accidentally sprayed them.

16 87

The effigy you prayed to looked way less... big
Art by

64 213

To escape the dangerous role her people have chosen for her, 18-YO Vienne hides herself where no one will find her—in their conquerors' army. But becoming the hero her people have prayed for may be her only chance to save herself, her people… and her faith.

21 2

"Another new day. It was the old days she hungered for. Prayed for. But who could she pray to? The garden had been meant for a godswood once, she knew, but the soil was too thin and stony for a weirwood to take root. A godswood without gods, as empty as me."

art by Tatyafinwe

30 85

I sware to you, Melehan prayed for an angel from God but Satan flung a devil his way instead.

1 6

these were the dragon novels of my childhood, the main character was a slave who escaped from a mine to live in a brothel and the dragons worked like xenomorphs who sprayed acid and incubated their young in your chest. screwed me up for life probably

0 1

For Sunday, I see your name, know I have prayed for you.
Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.
Phil 4:8

2 6

"A petition was drawn up and addressed to the Queen by the people of a corporation in the neighborhood of Paris, in which they prayed for the destruction of the game which destroyed their farming crops...."

1 1

In Greek myth, Amethystos rejected Dionysus, and prayed to the Gods to preserve her chastity, so they turned her into a pure white stone. Distraught, Dionysus, poured wine on the stone, turning it purple, and Amethyst became the symbol of romance, lust and love.

6 27

i have prayed for times like this

48 312

Oh, and I guess there's rides. I actually kept the Bilge Rat Barges raft ride (but maybe reduce the turbulence and use it a nice, quick-but-tame river ride) called "Pokémon Snap: Splash Safari." On-board cameras while you spin, get sprayed, and pass dozens of simple animatronics!

0 12

Awakened goddess
The gods are alive as long as they are remembered. She was almost forgotten. Many centuries have passed since she was last prayed to. For many years she slept. But something woke her up. A goddess, but not as we remember her
0.08 ETH

2 5

Good morning World☺
Glad to introduce you the Awakened Goddes, my entry for
The gods are alive as long as they are remembered. She was almost forgotten. Many centuries have passed since she was last prayed to. For many years she slept.

30 66

when they announced the haikyuu x sanrio crossover, i prayed everyday that tsukki would be my melody and my prayers were answered 🙏 thank you @ god

171 723

Day one report:
1. Success: Left a comment on a story
2: Debatable: Started reading Plain Boy and Prince and cackled so hard over this panel I sprayed julmust over my keyboard.

1 4

Started the month with coffee from bought the kid a toy from prayed from some rats with and partied with all the Katz in the club. And let's not forget the pfp and how much I love .

3 4

I was sprayed to death by Archie when I was recording.😾

11 79

"None of us knew what lay ahead. But I prayed from the bottom of my heart... That they would all live happy lives."

- Liliana (mc), Piofiore Episodio 1926

18 74


i prayed for you and you came

1 0