The Rorschach's Fraud

If you decide to use the Rorschach, your "judgments of maladjustment will be skewed toward the pathological."


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Art of Self is an upcoming yoga and psychotherapy practice. Owner, Aoife, wanted a mix of a modern logo with an organic look, representing the idea that personal expression of well-being is diverse and individual, yet all-encompassing. ❤

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Just got an email saying I passed my Art Psychotherapy short course


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Some other this week are A blood-soaked morality tale about victimhood, power and flipping the gender rule book of psychotherapy. 💁‍♀️#BitchPicks

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Coming soon to Kindle! An Artist’s Travel Log: an illustrated memoir of exploration in a wilderness obscured by trauma

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Hi I'm Zoe I'm fine artist and I'm currently studying for an MA in Art Psychotherapy

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-onNow- Psychotherapy Saturday Disney Infinity - Rise Against the Empire. Because figurines are fun!
See you there!

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