Just a twink with pet pterosaur, nothing to see here

140 1453

In jurassic park tlw at the end we were able to observe a blue-headed pterosaur, and although it looks like a pteranodon, I have seen that many people relate it to geosternbergia, in this pterosaur has a very large dimorphism, so the male is quite colorful

40 260

Newest is of the recently-described filter-feeding Most interesting imo is the drastically keeled pallet, preventing it from closing its mouth all the way (unless there was some soft tissue on the jaws?)

20 120

Who likes pterosaurs? Doing a soft launch for my online shop, you can now purchase this print on my page ( limited stock )! https://t.co/mRitpKbqUG

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Flying generalist + fish eating pterosaur of the HE oceans, the Pelagoptor.

21 161

Aside from the precursors whom are sophonts, that title goes to the red dragon, a true dragon that preys on large animals, Small wyverns are extremely diverse competing with birds and pterosaurs, basically the forbidden phenotypes, the BT for obv, the Elasmarin Saunters. https://t.co/58s62qBSSs

9 59

My partner played through Zniw Adventure last week. And got it got me a little inspired to draw up a pterosaur somewhat in their style.
I'm very happy with him! Was originally thinking Quetz but his neck is too short :P so he is just a random wing finger fellow.

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Depois de um certo tempo, uma nova paleoarte.
Hatzegopteryx com um filhote de saurópode em sua 'bolsa'. Adeus pequenino...

51 375

海洋翼竜(Marine pterosaurs)
Descendant of pteranodon, cannot fly but is a good swimmer, lays eggs on land.

19 79

Sheesh, need to expand the HE Pterosaur roster a lot more💀

32 258

Say hello to the new pterosaur on the block, Balaenognathus, they are weird

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Individual views of the Osteopterosaurs

The dolphin analogues

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Sketch and closeups. I used Scott Hartman’s 2016 Shonisaurus as ref, pterosaurs are quasi Carniadactylus AND THE ECTOPARASITES ARE SPECULATIVE. We don’t have direct evidence that they hosted any, but I figure slower ones might have less invasive barnacle-like creatures on em

3 76

On a Late Triassic afternoon, a large ichthyosaur lazily drifts into a shallower bay on its side to be pampered by local fish and early pterosaurs, who peck at dead skin, bits of food and ectoparasites.

393 1993

North Korean Anurognathid

55 299

Cutting through the ocean's surface, Aestulback Drifters have cut out a niche for themselves. Despite their heavy appearance, these Pterosaurs are surface water predators. Ramming right into aquatic tetrapods trying to breath and eating them alive.

9 63

A poster featuring iconic and charismatic prehistoric animals that too often get mislabeled as and the relatives of mammals and crocodiles are spotlighted here!


Art by

63 435

I have a question. What is your favourite extinct dinosaur (avian and non-avian), pterosaur, non-ornithodiran reptile and synapsid?

I would have to go with Allosaurus europaeus, Dearc sgiathanach, Varanus priscus and Inostrancevia alexandri

I just think they’re neat

8 180