[Sneak peak] hhmm? who's the owner of this tiny hand? 😳👉👈

*ok run. It's time to get some rest*

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Ohabunny minna! Okay I'm a little bit curious about this one and since a lot of my friends also did this... uhhmm~ so, what am I to you? 😳👉👈

credit: https://t.co/3AtgfBz9LS

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Ohabunny~ lucunya... pagi ini Rachan berusaha bangun pagi2 bener, katanya pengen sesekali sapa (padahal biasanya susah dibangunin klo pagi loh~) 😅💜

credit: https://t.co/XM0xsr5ULi

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O-ohabunny minna! Gmana tdrnya smalem? Ragisa smalem mimpiin kamu~ klo kamu mimpi apa? e-eto... gomen ne klo blakangan Ragisa rada kurang aktif, Ragisa lagi siapin something new buat debut png bulan ini... So, kalian mau nunggu kan? 😊💜

Anyway~ have a nice day!

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Wuuuaaaa Yandere gender bend Ragisa in White Day?! THIS IS SO LOVELY!! Thank you I really2 love this~ 💜💜💜 And you draw em so fast omg~ thanks my dear 💜😊

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Here's my first fanart for you~ hope you'll like it 👉👈 a-a-ano, I'll really happy if you use this as your ava profile, b-b-but it's up to you~ 😳😳💜💜💜

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Yuhu! I've made 2 ver of it~ hope you'll like it 💜😊 *share and retweet are appreciate~*

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So, here's some fan service for my lovely 💜 *because most of you choose num 1*... hmm, so just imagine this vampy bunny said: "Uh- oh, master? what do you want me to do?💜" https://t.co/lM0WvJZJ7S

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O-o-okay then... there you are~ (。>﹏<。) sorry for the bad quality~ Have a wonderful day guys! 💜💜💜 *run* https://t.co/8M1M0mv0uv

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Just finished drawing my son~ hope you'll like it! The png ver only I sent to my son~ 💜💜💜#aikaragisa

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Neee~ Kalian ud berusaha keras hari ini, skarang waktunya istirahat... Ragisa jga udah capek nih, sini... bobo sama neesan yaa~ 💜💜💜

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aahh ngantuk~ sini sini, ud malem... bobo sama neesan ya 💜💜💜 Oyasumi minna~ You've done your best! Let's get some sleep

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New art and new png for my content~ https://t.co/84xTGvrFPY hope you'll like it! Ah~ don't forget to subscribe kaayy~ 💜💜💜 I might be making another JVA or asmr roleplay for you (a little bit longer I guess) if you like this one

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