Pretty much anything with feathers or pycnofibers. Been asking for it since before the first JW film; better late than never

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takes a swim and nobody bats an eye. But takes a dive and everyone loses their minds. Starting these new sanrio-esque drawings with dinosaurs, not sure how many I will make but it’s nice to go super simple with a design every now and then.

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I know my post are usually about muscular monsters or himbos. But I’m so hype about and I will see it today. And I just love that I will finally see feathers dinosaurs 🦖.

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SUPER HIGH QUALITY RENDERS OF THE JURASSIC WORLD DOMINION DINOSAURS!! These include the (finally), (also finally), the new the pack, the Blue and Beta! All of these are taken from Zazzle.

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Big brain grad boy gets to be a big brain dino boy! Pyroraptor olympius was a member of the Dromaeosaurid family, well known for having the biggest brains of the dinosaurs. Just so you don’t get too big for your britches, know they were only half a meter tall!

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With Jurassic World around the corner, let’s look at the real Pyroraptor! Thank you to for helping write!

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The Pyroraptor from Jurassic World: Dominion. the first feathered dinosaur in the JP/JW series! and it swims?!

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jurassic world pyroraptor redesign based on a leopard seal. i actually kinda like that it swims, just wish its appearance fit that lifestyle a bit more

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Fire and ice. I’ve been working on Japanese woodblock prints for a project, so I wanted to apply those techniques to Jurassic. It’s always fun to play with artistic styles.

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Some drawings I made of velociraptor blue and one of the new Atrociraptors from

I'll definitely be drawing more dominion dinos, I'm gonna draw the pyroraptor next

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El Pyroraptor de cogiéndose unas merecidas vacaciones antes del estreno de la peli en cines.

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Guys I think I figured it out. This is the true reason why it swam. It was to make a statement.

32 177

I get they are weird lab hybrids and all, but c'mon, look at a real reconstruction of a pyroraptor in comparison and tell me that guy got the same inaccuracies the T-Rex had in comparison to the reconstructions of the real animal from the same year JP was released.

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Why should I say that?

Because this is Pyroraptor's MAJOR ADVANTAGE.

Look at this shot. Owen and Kayla are completely vulnerable. They have no idea where the raptor is, and the ice is slowly breaking apart. It seem that the Pyroraptor is experienced in swimming-

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Reasons why the Dominion Pyroraptor swimming and diving under ice doesn't bother me:

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JW pyroraptor but It actually looks like It could swim.

Not a professional design at all, literally just took a skeletal I found I drew over It on my phone in 3 minutes, but It should give the general idea I think

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Thing is like, there’s no evidence of Pyroraptors doing this irl, this is just stupid lmfao
Like compare that one to this one here, the JW one has its eyes in the wrong place lmfao

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