Une Raie did this amazing response to the 'who's the ML' comic.
(*´꒳`*)゚*.・♡ Her artstyle is so cute~!

(Who Touched My Tail!)

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Une raie manta pour le n°8 ! Vuala j'ai pas grand chose à dire dessus

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This one is quite untranslatable so I will explain it: in France, there is an sentence that says "long life to the republic", used during official speeches by president and this kind of tie-wearing serious people. And in French, "bum crack" could be translated by "raie", whi…

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Une raie-manta, ou comme certains concernés les appellent, un "sea-pancake".

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🇫🇷 Faite hier soir en live, la forme de hier ! Thème "technologie". Je suis parti sur une raie manta. Avec des lasers. Et des bombes. Dans l'espace !

🇬🇧 Yesterday's shape of the day. I drew a manta ray, with laser and bombs IN SPACE!

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J'ai un peu foiré les ailes (les nageoires ?? ailes ?) de la raie... mais j'aime bien le fennec.

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‘La raie’ from appeared in Chardin retrospective opened 27 June 2000 http://t.co/EMQJZ79NYY

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, étude d'après Jean-Siméon CHARDIN (Paris, 1699 - Paris, 1779) La raie

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