🦋🌺Pokemon OC: Mirajane
Fairy Miku's outfit suits her too well 😭💗💗

152 1214

Chapter 8 !!
Rajang Vs Deviljho
縄張り争い , ラージャン vs イビルジョ

4K res on my Ptreon and Fnbox
See you soon!


33 223

Rajang Vs Deviljho (7/7)

Chap 8 next week!!

HD and 4k(without watermark) avaible on my patreon/pixivfanbox.
special wallpaper also avaible on kofi/patreon please check it out if you like it!!

92 865

Turf War, Rajang Vs Deviljho Chapter 7
ラージャン vs イビルジョー CH.7

4k and without watermark avaible on my Patreon/fanbox


71 371

Turf War Rajang Vs Deviljho Chapter 7 in 3 hours

17 134

Which one are your rooting for?
Rajang or Deviljho

182 1098

Turf War, Rajang Vs Deviljho Chapter 6
ラージャン vs イビルジョー CH.6
[ My Turn ]

4k avaible on my Patreon/fanbox


106 623

Rajang vs Deviljho Turf war manga chap 6 tomorrow !

83 567

Honestly!! Comparing my most recent Perrin art to the Mirajane one from last year? Drastic improvement, especially in the posing/confidence I had while drawing.

168 2108

Tehe! Lynette kan punya skill yg mirip dengan yelan yahh. Bener2 yahh ini mahh kayaknya para anemo mau bilang ke kt semua kl mrk itu rajanya ekplorasi dan gk boleh ada elemen lain yg mendahului mrk wkwkkw 😂

31 792

昇龍拳 ! !

ラージャン vs イビルジョー
Rajang Vs Deviljho

Free 2K and 4K Colored Page wallpaper avaible to download on my Patreon and PixivFanbox

Download 4K res : https://t.co/IG499Ymda7

125 781

ラージャン vs イビルジョー
Rajang Vs Deviljho

Free 2K and 4K Colored Page wallpaper avaible to download on my Patreon and PixivFanbox

Download 4K res : https://t.co/c4R32gHYEJ

82 512