forgot that youre meant to put your sig on stuff like this.... anyways. adopt that i have instead decided to keep for stuff

9 24

music composer, if you can believe that + her logo thing she uses

14 34

new froggy whose colours change whenever the hell i feel like it

14 33

oh yeah look at this fuckinggg i am GOING to actuallly draw tomorrow ive not done anything in like 3 days @

2 14

the nail that sticks out gets hammered down

9 19

i literally cant be bothered to draw him again pleasee

11 24

you. are my other daughter. i love you

11 26

you are my son. youre my son! boogie woogie woogie

14 29

uh huh uh huh thats my daughter

10 23

also. look at these littl knaveves ft gayass

4 14

forgoooot to upload her (tho shes not really part of the RE canon...)

8 19

i love her very much shes very fun to draw

16 43

oh yh also i only ended up doing 7 in total i wanted to do more but

6 14

really tapped into some kind of aesthetic with this one

10 24