Body type studio i did a while ago
There are Ranma 1/2 charapter cauee i'm rewatching the whole series

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Found a Scrapped art: JP Chaos Effect x Transformers Animated.

Left to Right: Ankyloranodon, Ultimasaurus, and Velocirapteryx

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Animalized versions of Raptoria(Rap-chan) from ZW0 and Raptor (Rapterix) from ZW

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Great artist Bob Eggleton draws the Kaiju COARAPTER book cover.
It's very nice, I'm so glad. The issue may appear the end of 2020.


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A Swallow-tailed moth (Ourapteryx sambucaria), some raspberry, and the moon. A visual note to my partner. We’ve not been able to see each other since lockdown, so I figured I was allowed to get a little mushy with a nature illustration. 🌿🌿🌿

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Don’t panic Torontonian. You guys fine..from Vancouver

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remake for old outfit for rapteriz

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ff: hey look at all these cool team skills, abilities, and status effects that each vivo has! all with having special roles depending on the position of the team!
me: hhhgh,,, fluffy rapter...

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Oenothera tetraptera ツキミソウ、名前の通り、夕方花を開き朝閉じる。咲き始めは白く朝には薄いピンク色に変わる。メキシコ原産で日本には観賞用植物として江戸時代に渡来。黄色い花を月見草と呼ぶ人もいるが、あちらは待宵草が本来の名前。同じアカバナ科マツヨイグサ属なので近縁種なのだけど。

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✈️ Velocity & Rapter 💣

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Fan charapter (?

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no.108. The head of an angel, Zorotypus assymetricus. Zoraptera, or Angel Insects, are colonial and typically live in rotting wood. Usually eyeless and wingless, as in this paratype, but winged forms can be produced, giving the lie to Zoraptera ('pure wingless').

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Решил набросать своего роя лаботряса из кенши... чтож...самое время вести книгу по герою который никто не увидит
"дневник Голозада или почему мертвые не носят штанов"

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2月16日 ラプター
February 16th "Rapter"
He threatens loudly and territorial intruders. Then chew it with snake's tail.

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A couple of tiny dragon things; a Cazador-style dragon and a raptera (green and purple). The raptera is up for $20.

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Drew a Mochi Rapter on MS Paint~

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