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Heads up! Pre-Orders are open for @mike_mayhew's Exclusive #GIJoe A Real American Hero Baroness Covers! Get'em while they last!
#mikemayhew #mikemayhewstudio #idwpublishing #cobra #arah #arealamericanhero #baroness #variant #preorder #surveillanceport
Storm Shadow #gijoe #gijoearealamericanhero #stormshadow #ninja #cobra
Zartan, master of disguise. COBRA middle management. #gijoe #gijoearealamericanhero #zartan #cobra
My first love. The Baroness #gijoe #gijoearealamericanhero #baroness #cobra #yojoe
Dr. Mindbender #gijoe #yojoe #gijoearealamericanhero #drmindbender #mindbender #cobra #actionfigures
Shipwreck and Polly #joevember #joevember2019 #gijoe #gijoenation #gijoecommunity #gijoetoys #yojoe #gijoearealamericanhero #hasbro #gijoeshipwreck Shipwreck giving Polly a cracker, this Joe was suggested by @titocamello thanks for the suggestions
Quick Kick, who I dressed as for Halloween in the 3rd grade, and Airtight for #joevember #joevember2019 #gijoe #gijoearealamericanhero #airtight #quickkick
Incoming Transmission: The 1990 G.I.Joe Avalanche has arrived at https://t.co/OG8Z23iYGp!
@3DJoes #3djoes #gijoe #avalanche #coldfront #arah #arealamericanhero #gallery #archive #surveillanceport
A #GIJoe triptych for #IDW, pencilled by Phil Jimenez and colored by Romulo Fajardo Jr. #GIJoe #RealAmericanHero #PhilJimenez #omuloFajardoJr #SnakeEyes #Duke #Stalker #Scarlett #Destro #Baroness #Zartan #CobraCommander #Serpentor #StormShadow #Firefly #DrMindbender #YoJoe
Snake-Eyes wielding Cap’s shield! Awesomeness by Robert Atkins. #SnakeEyes #RobertAtkins #GIJoe #YoJoe #CaptainAmericasShield #ARealAmericanHero
I’m watching some season one of #GIJoe #ARealAmericanHero. I #sketched #SnowJob, with the #CrayolaColoredPencils. I colored it with the #CopicMarkers. I inked it with a Sakura Pigma Micron 05 and 1. #YoJoe #80sCartoons #ARAH
I’ve been #sketching #GIJoe #ARealAmericanHero characters. I sketched #Bazooka, since I saw that @ToddNauck recently cosplayed as him. I sketched this, with #CrayolaColoredPencils, colored it with the #CopicMarkers, & inked it with #SharpiePens & Sakura Pigma Microns. #YoJoe
I sketched #SgtSlaughter, from #GIJoe and #WWE, with the #CrayolaColoredPencils. I inked it, with a Sakura Pigma Micron Brown, Black and Blue 05. I colored it with the #CopicsMarkers and added more shading with #ColoredPencils. #YoJoe #SargentSlaughter #RealAmericanHero