2019 <---------------------------> 2021

kinda a redraw??? i became cheeb and homebody jk

5 12

doodle??? semi redraw???? i think my art changed a bit in a year

0 3


The one on the right is one of my favorite artworks last year. And it's rare for me to have a favorite artwork at that time because I was still learning 🤣

Any form of interaction is highly appreciated!

5 19

noya screenshot redraw??????????

2 3

okay so i saw my old art and i was like "time to redraw, since i am not immune to milfs"

redraw??? at this point it's a whole ass redesign

also probably one of the only times i'll post my old (pre-2018) art i guess????

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2021/ 2014 - mais um to preso no tempo. mas dessa vez o exercício era desenhar sem outline e em uma camada só

0 13

[OC] modern AU redraw??? idk anymore

3 11

ayo another redraw????????

1 1

1 OR 2 ???
please reply a number or ill cry

0 3

scott pilgrim style emulation/frame redraw???? warm up GONE WILD GONE WROGN GONE SE*XUAL

7 40

I redraw coz it was bothering me a lot :v ✨

(tho it couldnt rlly be view as a redraw??? Hmm it's more like different styles, well the first was made more traditionally and this new one is more digital so ~)


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cw// blood
ANOTHER kiwi redraw??? woah..... from july to december!

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