needy Reo overload...
he wants to be pampered too sometimes

283 1783

Reo got called princess boy by Nameoka in the episode nagi movie so ofc i had to draw some tension between them .

140 1104

-bllkisah sender lagi pengen baca au nsfw tuan muda reo x fem reader tolong drop au fav kalian or writer boleh drop au nya juga yaaa, thankyouu💜💜

0 13

i will never get over Reo canonically being Team V's mom .

380 2229


また、以前と同じくお友達のReoさん( )のネコちゃんグッズを委託販売させていただく予定です。どうぞよろしくお願いいたします!

7 36

Day 5 : Businessman Reo & Gamer Nagi

wanting attention .

324 1887

I want to learn to love "you" properly.
Despite how many cracks you have, and no matter in what forms or colours you take.

[ happy birthday Reo Mikage you are everything to me . ]

441 1604

Buat cewek, jadi fans -bllk itu artinya goodbye dgn semua cowok asli. I mean, gmn caranya seorang naksir sama cowok biasa, kalo di waktu yg sama juga naksir Isagi? Rin? Impossible.

Dan itu blm termasuk ngadepin Reo, pewaris Mikage Corp.

96 478

-bllkarya cw // genderbend bxg

fem! reo x nagi breakup

32 212

-bllk official art

Kalian mau pergi ke festival sama siapa nih?? Kalo sender milih sama Reo biar bisa dijajanin yang banyak.

9 63

[ ykro / yukkireo rkgk ]

reo should've wiped the sweat off yukimiya's face next time.
(based on their new PWC interaction)

116 731

-bllk Maaf reo, aku salfok senyumnya mas Kenyu.... bicepsnya mas.... ak RELA menggembel membolang mengemis membanting tulang mengarungi LAUT PASIFIK🌊 mendaki OLYMPUS⛰️ mengelilingi TUJUH BENUA🌏 hny utk demi km seorang pujaan hatiku & my sweet jelly honey (cont)

20 122


春田つむぎさん( )からのご依頼で、春田つむぎさん&八宵れおさん( )のうさちゃんSDを描かせて頂きました!🐰︎💕︎︎


🤎Thank you for commissioning me!💜

4 15

when you try to pick a fight with Mikage Reo but his bodyguards are right behind him.

463 2927

-bllk official art

Tuan muda Reo dan dua bayi magernya

5 59


284 3485


0 7

[ ngro / nagireo ]

"my boyfriend has horrible taste lmao.... wait. oh shit."

(i love Reo's often bizarre tastes in stuff, like his wack fashion sense and silly decoration preferences. so i like to think he has weird tastes in everything)

399 1990

-bllk official art, CW // mxm, reonagi, nagireo

Reo and his baby treasure

10 90