that’s incredible!! Now for Aubrey… Any takers

1 7

My old genie character Corey…. Hope they’ll let me get away with the bulge

1 1

NITA HAWES’ NIGHTMARE BLOG closer she comes to the truth, the closer the demon Corson moves in on her like a hunter stalking its prey…


9 30

Birds of Prey…. no, wait… Secret Six, er… I can’t choose, if you could do both of a crossover of those two classic teams, it would be fantastic.

5 60

(i forgot to do this lol oops) i got white! and i realize that maybe i dont have that many white-haired faves😂 (if im being strict on what’s white and what’s grey…)

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Talking with about their Pirates reminded me that I drew Grey… hot man… I am looking disrespectfully

1 2

first day if classs…. inspired the layout…yr so cool rey….

2 27

À la fin du mois ça fera 6 ans que j'ai pas sorti d'album de bd, on peut officiellement conclure que j'ai perdu le mojo de ce côté-là. Me reste les cabochons d'animaux rigolos. Plutôt fier de celui-ci.

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Bruce Wayne and Selina Kyle’s 80-Year Romance Continues
in ‘Batman/Catwoman’ by Tom King, Clay Mann and Tomeu Morey… …and Phantasm Debuts in Batman/Catwoman on December 1!!

6 4

[ FE10 | tellius ] “Lucia, Geoffrey… I value your lives more than even my own. But it’s my duty to protect this country, even if that means losing you.” Day 3: Forgiveness
I’ve got some catching up to do

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I just need to do this redraw because Hanako is wearing a somewhat JoJo inspired outfit and Yashiro reminds me of Lana Del Rey…

2 9

Fall down to the grey…

7 250

I asked my wife who her favorite Star Wars character and she said "Rey… and porgs." So…

1 2

Star Wars - The Last Jedi: Rey…

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TLがとてもまかぶでだいぶ前に描いたの思い出したけど、PIERROTとDIR EN GREY…いや道化師と灰銀とでも言おうか

56 124

All the leaves are brown and the sky is grey…

4 7


after reading the recent All-New X-Men, I felt like I needed to doodle Jean Grey… If you haven’t read t…

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