Megaman Exe Search Soul/Chaos (sketch)

Wanted to try drawing Double Souls/Chaos Unisons in MMBN.

I really liked the design of Search Soul; having played Team Protoman.

It was also an opportunity to do studies on dynamic sniping poses.

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Bass XX - Chaos Nightmare

More MMBN and paint practice.

Also had him for some time now in DiVE and I'm really amused with his "Spirit bomb" attack that can 1-shot sometimes. XD

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Two game collection that I wish would get announced soon. We need a .hack IMOQ & MegaMan Battle Network collection


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- Aaand the very last one. A silly chibi-looking thing to fill the empty space on the canvas.

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- This is my favourite one. Maybe one day I will find the courage to post some more daring drawings and loose all my followers, lmao.

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- "If there is no content - make the content yourself".
Kinda went with that one episode with bunny virus that Viddy produced. And since I'm insane, I decided to torture Videoman x)

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Bueno hoy les traigo una de mis tantas restauraciones que suelo hacer, en esta ocasión de Mayl Sakurai amiga de la infancia de Lan y dueña de Roll.exe /
Arte original: producción de Battle Network.

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UN NUEVO NetNavi ha llegado a manchar tu racha invicta con tu derrota!!
mi netnavi INKMAN.EXE llega al concurso de net navi del grupo de FB:

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แฮปปี้หน้าร้อน....เอ หรือว่าหน้าฝนกันนะ

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