Pregnancy is already life threatening enough. Why would I ever participate now that I can't guarantee at least a semblance of safety? My body is not your factory

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Dopo la sentenza della Corte Suprema americana, che abolisce il diritto di aborto, prevedo la riconversione delle più grandi aziende di automobili in catene di montaggio produzione feti.

per Sputnink

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[1/2] This is not the end. We will not stand idly by whilst our rights are stripped away from us. 

3 4

Fuck the Supreme Court, Bring back the guillotine.

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I want to do some of these for free! I got the free base I will copy the link to it in the comments

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I’m livid. Really I am. How can someone decide to make a choice that will cause more death but during the same time decide taking away juuls would be too harsh. This country has decided that juuls and guns are more important than women and trans people’s lives.

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