here’s to a happy rollover! our skin has changed colors along with the month. congratulations to our otms: shan for member, wayward vagabond for character, dante and vergil for duo, and “swipe what?” foe thread!

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Art by for "Rollover Rules Between Different Plan Types"
IMAGE: Moving from one place to another.

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■General Election Primaries■ Live update!
He's our current number 33!
*Votes will not rollover in the Main Election, so please use all of the Votes before 10/24 (JST)!*

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Fumando espero 💖 Gracias por este modelado tan guay!! 🙈✨ es una pose muy del Sr.Raptor (todo lo que sea fumar es pose de éste señor!!)

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Art by for "Rollover Mechanics and the Most Common Mistakes"
IMAGE: Avoiding pitfalls/mistakes when rolling valuables from one place to another.

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We will be turning off the Achievement System on Friday August 16th after rollover. Your last day to acquire current achievements is Thursday August 15th.

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Tengo un montón de dibujetes sin acabar que debería terminar pero pero pero pero el story de me deja sin energía! :_D Igual pronto pillo vacaciones y me gustaría ir acabando algunos!!

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Esperando que se seque ese pantalón cósmico. Aún no he decidido si se tiñe las cejas o no!! Creo que las cejas sin teñir es muy de los 80s, muy joven Madonna 💖💜💙

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Éste joven Iguanodon de ojos color manzana aún no lo sabe, pero se convertirá en la peor pesadilla de VR!
Esperaba esta noche acabar el color pero el brazo me está dando un poco por culo, así que; hasta mañana Toni Rod!! 😘

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この春にROLLOVERという以前やってた店を復活させようと思ってて、そこでやるオリジナルブランドのデザインシリーズの一つFUCK BOREDOMの新作。勝手にロンホリで作ったった😜😜🤣🤣超かっけえー!!オーダー最低3枚は来るな笑笑笑笑

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for some reason i always seem to be trying to post finished commissions exactly One Minute after rollover on flight rising starts so now i have a whole half an hour to myself. anyways here are some of the other dragon gijinkas i've been doing

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STOP! See those Gathering Turns you have there? Don't use them yet! The Rockbreaker's Ceremony starts at 06:00 server time, NOT after rollover!

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Malditos dinosaurios rockeros de los años 80... 😭❤️ Este es un tomado de . Sr.Raptor está tan infravalorado... AMADLO. 🎸🎼

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Save those Gathering turns! The Starfall Celebration begins at 06:00 server time, not after rollover!

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Hello Friends ⭐️
the hottest people seen at

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Rollover Milano Preview - 05.19.17

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So here are the buttons of my new website. Default and rollover states :)

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