Lunch painting
Mixed crab + frog
Called him crog or frab 🤔

21 124

Well I am still rendering this guy :D and I like it so far. My brain is also happy and is not screaming that I suck ass 🤔 hope I finish this guy today 😅

34 190

Meet Cleaver Bloodfang the fighter gnoll. I hope I can play him soon :D gonna be fun not DMing this time 😅

20 75

Need to ad some cool things on him 🤔

17 107

I need to use some references D: whitout it's pretty diffecult.
But still turned out good 👌 beef bois best bois

28 99

God damn heat is just a Killer for me. I get nothing done and also I dont want to move urgh D:
So here is my wet desert slasher

282 2280

This boi is from last stream :O
The should be a 60min of trash painting but he turned into a more detailed one and took around 100min D:
Btw your dog will be soon a spider because I didn't saw you on my stream 🤔

31 167

Ones a year I do this kind of art for one special girl <3
And I always cry doing it.
Fuck me this is soooo exhausting to so wtf my fingis hurt D:
But I guess it look alright for my kinda first anime like Illustration lol

2 31

60 min for trash
I take 60 min for a painting.
If it's good that's good.
If it's trash it's ok only 60min are wasted :D

146 1243

Sometimes I just fucking struggle getting something done wtf.
That's why you got golden crocs!

15 98

Still not done yet.
But this guy should be done this week!

19 108

Sketches suck if you are sick
Like this one D:

9 83

Ma Artbro did a sketch and I needed to repaint this guy xD

20 142