some Full Bloom chibis🌸 inseong, rowoon, chani

10 20

[ D-17 ]
KPOP CTzen OST 'LIGHT' will be released.

67 97


115 307

시즈나잇 출동..! 그때 뵈어요@ Kpop_ctzen

3 19

주머니 찾는 것도 화보라네요🤩

44 150

「2022 ROWOON(from Solo FANMEETING ~恋慕(LOVE)~ 」昨日1日目が無事大盛況に終わったとか✨👏

色んな良作に出演し活躍されている ですが、#偶然見つけたハル は中でもとても良い作品❗️


11 30

is picked as most suitable for "which star suits the role of Lee Han Eol in webtoon Goodbye In-Law"

Its about 2 mortal enemies whose siblings got married making them in law, they both got hit by a truck while arguing, killed & transported back to high school time

86 239

no they just full on edited out youngbin inseong rowoon and used the same photo 😭 lmao help

40 320

AAA tbh i dont know if its a gift in time or late but thats not the point

little rowoon/ha ru as a little present for ’s on her bday <3
i hope you like it

2 3

😜 rowoon is a greek god

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