This is art for chapter 4! of Il Re dei Ladri — The King of Thieves written by franzis-frantic-thoughts for podcastbigbang!

Read the fic here: <3

3 6

tw blood, tw injury
'right, it's your turn now'

8 18

that one time i drew howard carter looking like a badass

10 48

fighting that art block with goblins because of course i am

15 53

040 |Candle light

unfortunately my back is still hurting and i can't manage a whole new picture juggling everything else 😔✌️

4 16

This is art for the Prologue of How Many Second Chances Will We Get written by adhduck​!! for podcastbigbang​!

A link and a summary will be down below to both the fic and the gorgeous podfic made by guinevere01! 🥰

6 12

back to my roots: grizzop expressing my current feelings toward the world in general through memes

13 61

thinking about Him (long haired hamid)

15 42