In Memoriam Sue Anderson.
Born 1949, Sue exhibited widely and has many works in private and public collections internationally. Sue was elected to the RSA in 1989. She died in May 2019.

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So much colour everywhere - think this is one of our most colourful summer shows yet. See it all on Saturday when we open to the public for this years exhibition

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The sea and the sky - some more montaged from our members submissions for our summer exhibition that opens this coming Saturday

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Whoo! The hanging team have been busy in the gallery all weekend. Here’s a sneaky peak of some of the animals that appear in our members work all ready for you see when we open to the public next Saturday

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We are so lucky to have Fred Cuming RA as a member. Don’t miss these two breathtakingly amazing paintings in our members show until May 5th

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Just three beautiful watercolours from Andrew Blyth from our exhibition Light to Shade - Shade to Light til May 5th.

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Details of just three Susan E Jameson oils. Rainbow 1 and 2 and Winter Wave. All in our members Spring Show at Rye Art Gallery now until May 5th

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RSA members spring exhibition at Rye Art gallery PV 11-1 on April 6th - exhibition continues til May 5th ‘Light to Shade- Shade to Light’ image by Louis Turpin graphics by

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Razzle Dazzle by Val Falla in our lower gallery - acrylic collage - quite a large piece but very desirable based on crypt cafe in Manchester town hall

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Andrew Blyth paints beautifully soft water colours of local scenes. Moody clouds beach scenes churches and the marsh all feature in his very popular work.

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Three rich detailed hot coloured works by Angie Braven also hang in our upper gallery. Don't forget we are also open Sundays 10.30-5.30 and every day until 26th August.

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A little collection of beautiful and varied bird and frog paintings -pop in and have a look at this charming collection for real

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RSA Summer Show 4th - 26th August
Open every day from 10.30am to 5.30pm

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Just three of Lorna Vahey's biographical figurative paintings from our members exhibition Now in its final week !

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Four luscious Storm Cloud paintings from member Cliff Howe in as part of our latest exhibition- we are approaching our last week there so why not pop in for a visit. Open every day until April 22

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Two beautiful silver gelatin prints from RSA member and photographer Peter Greenhalf in our exhibition at until April 22

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Only TWO days to go til we close for this summer. Don't miss our amazing exhibition

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