IM SO LATE but happy Halloween ft. Rena Ryuugu from HIGURASHI !

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late night doodle redraw of the og rena sprite, because my sleep cycle is no more

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rena ryuugu surprise sprite

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Rena Ryuugu is exhibiting king behavior

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Anime waifu: rena ryuugu
Touhou waifu: Was Sakuya Izayoi for years. But I’ve leaned into clownpiece too hard. I think she has stolen me from Sakuya

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given that it's spooky month im gonna really try to finish this Rena Ryuugu ((Higurashi)) painting i made a quick plan for but never actually painted i think

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◆Credit ※こちらにリプ厳禁
◆Vocal&Encode : Osakqna

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A mystery is afoot! It's up to Rena Ryuugu and their sidekick Hajime Hinata to solve the case.

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أكيكو سوزو مؤلفة مانجا Kaibutsu Shoujo Zukan ستبدأ مانجا جديدة بعنوان Kekkon shitai Ryuuguu-san wa jouriku shimashita مع عدد 11/2022 القادم لمجلة Asuka في 22 نوفمبر

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VesFes starts a VY design competition, with Remiko's Kiku Kobushi winning for VY1 and Tsukasa Ryuugu's 66/Roro winning for VY2 (2011)

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mes rena ryuugu (2021~2022)

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