Forging shenanigans >u> !
I didn't expect to make such a good glove for this magnificent bastard. Seeing Creator's chases proc sure is a sight! Kami blessed me with good luck 🙏

0 10

Hehe! Bless the gem gifts! I can pity 1 more... who to be, hmmm...
So many new things. I can't wait to play and check things out! But still at work so I can't... ;.;

0 8

^し^ あいしゃ・・・・・・(右太ももにしがみつく)しふぅ・・・・・(左二の腕にしがみつく)・・うぅ・・・・・・・とれんかった・・・・・く、くぅ~ん・・・・・・・

0 11

SaGa Soul Mech arrives to

Grab SaGa Soul exclusive Styles SS [Your Best Equipment, Please] Mech, SS [Cornered Prey] Therese, and SS [Count On Me] Narcisse to your party now!

Who are you adding to your team?

4 50

A new Jewel Sale arrives to

Find these value packs at the Shop > Jewel Shop!

・1,810 Jewels (Limit: 3)
・8,000 Jewels (Limit: 3)
・17,600 Jewels (Limit: 3)

They're available until 7/14 PDT!

1 28

Jump into summer celebrations with a Global-Original Romancing Festival!

Grab new GLORG Styles SS [Hey! No Looking!] Katarina, SS [Buried in Sand] Emerald, and SS [You're My Prey Today] Therese!

Which Summer Style are you adding to your roster?

20 82

The 2nd Anniversary Closing Celebrations have arrived!

Take part in new exclusive Romancing Festivals, earn tons of rewards through log in bonuses and limited-time missions, and join in the DESTINY 8 Crossover and Training in the Sun event!

What are you waiting for?

47 164

My sadness of pitying ITOKEN-san got fixed after getting poofy dress Katarina!! Has always been my priorty when doing her scenario in RS3.

0 6

Reboot your party with Romancing Festival Goddess, now available in

Grab new Styles SS [Goddess System Reboot] Goddess, SS [Absolute Being] Creator, and SS [The Winged One] Apollo and add them to your party now!

Who are you hoping to add?

2 46

GL Changes to GB Saga Banner:

Kami: Int+6%, Agi+10%
Ability 2: Add BP+1 when landing attacks
Skill 1: Add LOV Debuff
Skill 2: Add Confusion Effect

Megami: Int+7%

Apollon: Int+7%, Wil+14%

0 3

I had to pity Goddess but got them all! 😤 My gem stash is hurting tho... 😅

0 4


タチアナ かわいい😇


1 25

GL Changes for SF1 Saga Onsen Banner.

Emelia: Dex+6%
Alkaiser: Final Crusade -2 BP Cost
Mei Ling: Dex+3%, Agi+2%
Zeke / Nakajima: Wil + 10%

Waiting for SF2 Banner Preview.


0 8

やった! ちちおやじゃなくて来た!!

8 151

Romancing Festival Azami arrives to with 3️⃣ new global-original Styles, just in time for the 2nd Anniversary!

Add new Styles SS [Ninjutsu to the Fullest] Azami, SS [Pump It Up] Barbara, and SS [Time to Get Serious] Vampire Lady to your roster now!

Who are you going for?

13 68

Azami, Vampire lady, and Barbara will be showing up overseas... for the 2nd Anniversary celebration

664 4830

今05月30日 20時
・育成 SaGaRS,突(メイン全話):~05/31 04:00
・とびだせ!わくわくフェスティバル(開催):~06/01 04:00
・ガチャ モニカ編:~06/01 04:00
・育成 ガチャ産,突・陽(わくわく,メイン):~06/01 04:00

1 2

We're getting closer to the 2nd anniversary!

Develop your favorite Styles and build your teams while waiting for big day!

💡Day 4 SaGa Quiz💡

Gustave, from SaGa Frontier 2, would come to be known as what?

A) Gustave the Silver
B) Gustave the Steel
C) Gustave the Iron

19 76

今05月30日 12時
・育成 SaGaRS,突(メイン全話):~05/31 04:00
・とびだせ!わくわくフェスティバル(開催):~06/01 04:00
・ガチャ モニカ編:~06/01 04:00
・育成 ガチャ産,突・陽(わくわく,メイン):~06/01 04:00

2 4