Yes to all, complete with scrubbing through frames of tin tin episodes because there are genuinely some good sakuga moments in there

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年賀状企画で、さくらげさん(@ sakugaki_0802)宅の子を描かせていただきました〜!

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さくらげさん(@ sakugaki_0802)の年賀状企画で描かせていただきました、うちの小柴胡湯ちゃんです🐰💊

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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Não é uma anime sakuga, mas tem vários momentos bem animados e é bem dirigido, além de claro, sempre bem desenhado. Decente em geral, com grandes picos. Provavelmente um dos projetos com entrega mais consistente do ano.

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Sofreu com um circunstâncias de sua produção, mas todos os seus episódios eram festivais de sakuga, com muitos nomes incríveis creditados e uma pegada realista, que mesmo não agradando todos, foi bem trabalhada. Bons feitos em CGI também.

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I really want your guy’s opinion. Would you guys watch my film or TV series based on the way my Main Character looks? Sorry the second photo is low quality I had to screenshot it

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Tokuyuki Matsutake se encargó de un momento de buen character acting junto con la llegada de Yomiko.
Esos diseños que maneja me recuerdan mucho a su época en Naruto, y por supuesto, tanto en Naruto como en Read or Die estuvo junto a Hirofumi Suzuki, Hermandad Sakuga.

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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Some brand new British Sakuga premiering in an hour and a half!

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Best one piece artstyle a for the anime gotta be
Noboru Koizumi
Katsumi Ishizuka
And Takashi Kojima
(Might just make this a one piece sakuga thread for these three)

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T - 6 days : “Seizei Ganbare! Mahou Shoujo Kurumi”

This is not what we can call a sakugafest anime. The only anime with a more limited animation I know is inferno cop. So be warned. Despite that it's a really funny show! I discovered this anime thanks to NHK's TV program "Anime-

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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E-SAKUGA は世界初、原画を自分でコマ送りで動かせる新しいタイプの原画集 で発売中!

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