Daily Sketchline number five!
Oh no! He hit a sour note!

Today's Starline was sketched by !

6 33

Daily Sketchline number four!
A fabulous platypus!

Today's Starline was sketched by !

14 37

Daily Sketchline number three!
The cherubs on Starline's shoulder!

Today's Starline was sketched by !

11 45

Daily Sketchline number two!
He's having a spa day with his favorite Motobug!
Drawn by !

15 49

Our inaugurating Sketchline! 🎉
Drawn by none other than !

(Don't worry, future posts won't have a ton of pings or hashtags like this one.)

20 108

Did you know that’s a Thing?
I didn’t!
The cost of buying insurance protection against mass shootings has spiked more than 10% in the 🇺🇸 this year following a string of deadly events.


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