🚨New Pod🚨

Voice of , co-host, fmr & 📺voice, joins

🏀 early yrs
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⚾️#Guardians Outlook


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Disebabkan tadi keluar sbb ada urusan family, then balik around 10pm and finish up some works, now bru sempat nak hantar artwork. Nak add-on accessories pun tak sempat. 😂 Hopefully masih sempat lah. 😁 🧡

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sbb sy gemuk .

btw uncle, ini untuk uncle

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gon tweet this here as well sbb my twitter asyik penuh with rtws ja😂😂 srry for the spam here's a dtiys entry for for her reaching a 2k milestone🤘🏼✨

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3) always love to eat dodol walaupun sgt rare ppl serve it nowadays or at least for me. why this guy so gigih cari evidence? it represent me cari dodol kt rumah org sbb like i said, jarang jmpa haha

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This him too HAHAHAH tapi tula glad he’s getting the recognition he deserves sbb masa awal2 tu ramai mcm taknak lepas filthyfrank lagi fjdhdh now ada je sikit2 tapi mostly move on dahhhh

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the expressions 😖✋🏻
sanggup yaa saya baca dlm indo to support the author eventho not financially
and definitely no regret sbb cerita dia best okayyy i luvvvv all

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Dah jumpa belum si karipap oksigen ni?

Sbb tulah org ada trust issue. Karipap pun pandai bagi harapan palsu! ☕

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Day 1 | Pen

Aku masih tak tau aku cuma melukis sebagai hobi atau nk terus jadikan sebagai kerjaya. Tapi yg pasti aku takkan stop melukis sbb melukis buat aku gembira.

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Bukan apa, kdg2 buat baik sbb nak jual insurance je 🤡

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Nsh, last² sblum hari ni tamat 😂. A few memes and a chibi ver. of Boboiboy by me! 🌸✨
(i dunno how his pants looks like–)
(reupload balik sbb ada bnda tinggal).

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Wet3.0 untuk next project. Muka tak mcm Gumpunk sbb Gumpunk professor, holder bahan ujikaji👀

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Kenapa aku beli Weiro by ni?

• 1st sbb ada arrow ( I’m Saggi)
• Auto tertarik ada huruf W
• Auto tertarik dgn api
• Pakai spek (geng)
• Aku suka eagle(ni eagle kan?)
• Artwork ni lawa
• FP yg mmg aku boleh terus beli
• Aku nak support artist ni

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letting go these 2 sbb i need funds for something big. RT would be appreciated. Thank you 🙏

Cyborg x Tashrsd
link : https://t.co/cSuOBsOT37

Custom inspired by Todd Chavez
link : https://t.co/jk2W1DmZBt

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Bought these masterpieces for my mom sbb dia merajuk aku dari bulan 12 cakap nak balik tapi tak kena sidai sampai skrg 😂 https://t.co/eEUlH5rYu4

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Cantik jugak bila buat wallpaper sky series ni 🤭 Dah available new one on pentas, nanti petang sikit post proper sbb xbuat video lagi 😂


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Xpasti la😆 tpi sbb kan Beardrops is pixel.. Rasanya hidup smula tu nnt

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here's mine.

actually nice orang nih buat challenge sbb boleh asah critical thinking. https://t.co/8pJRMfUi5q

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oh sy minta maaf bang, x sangka boleh sama bang. Tapi, sy tak berniat plagiat hasil art abg. Mungkin sama sbb kita refer pose yg sama. Plus, the idea of pak haji pakai kain pelikat tu sbb karakter sy mmg pakai kain pelikat. Cuma sy ubah jadi pak haji sbb nk imply mesej ke surau.

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