Hello everyone, it is now February 12th in Japan, and it's now Scizor Day!

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If you haven't already decided on the revamped look, I would suggest a design inspired by Scizor and/or Golisopod

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“I let you live long enough!”

Mecha Scizor

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With the hype around this“new”Pokémon fusion randomizer-I wanted to get in on the fun.I looked up a few but I mostly just hit the random button until I found ones I liked.The bot is kinda meh but the custom sprites are🔥👏🏻! Love dunsparce X scizor! & I found the OG Slither Wing😂 https://t.co/2kwYfiHz7V

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Ok I found most of the artists, and after chatting with them I feel ok to post! A few don’t have Twitter.

Scizor + Mimikyu is by

Charmander + Mimikyu is by

Kirlia + Sylveon is by

Scizor + Metagross is by

Rest in comments!

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I found out about this...... And made 4 fusion and I have this 4
Lopunny + Svyleon
Lucario + Dialga
Scizor + Chandelure
Gardervoir+ Beedrill

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Fused some of my favorite Pokémon with Scizor

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Day 745 of the (Kalos)

- Mega Scizor

Thanks to Mega Evolution its pincers take on a brutal appearance. Even the slightest pinch is capable of ripping anything to shreds.

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Ok here is a tough one. Who do you choose? Lucario or Scizor?

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here's more paradox mons I made!

Weeping Sythe
a past Scizor!
long ago a meteor struck the planet spewing toxic metals.
adapting, it became an apex preditor in the wasteland

Iron Star
A future Kleavor!
due its disks resembleling saucers, its rumored to be a warlord from space!

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Suisei - Steel/Psychic type gym

Blood is red, so is Scizor..

Other 5 Pokémon : Natu, Mawile, Skarmory, Metagross, Jirachi

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