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Extension to Grade 2 listed house in Bray - Sedum Roof and wrap around glazing. Planning approved.

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Hosta popping, sedum survived and grew, marsh marigolds do what they want and red twig dogwood growing.

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New blog article discussing some similar approaches between garden and side return extensions in both London and Brighton projects. You can read all about it in the Journal section of our blog!

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New blog article discussing some similar approaches between garden and side return extensions in both London and Brighton projects. You can read all about it in the Journal section of our blog!


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hmmMMM graptosedum california sunset!

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Sedum telephium y agaloma corollata (Euphorbia corollata).
👩🏽‍🎨 Deborah Griscom Passmore watercolor album, ca. 1911


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Project of the Day

Rural Office from Shipping Containers with Sedum Roof
for more details follow the link:


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Massed Flowers...


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Our sedum plant at home has finally bloomed and it has been attracting a lot of bees! (Bumblebees & honey bees so far!). I didn’t have my phone at the time, too busy enjoying nature in the moment.

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toad baby and a buckeye on some sedum

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先日のニコ生で紹介したお花④ セダム・ムルチセプス 和名「小松緑」 先日のじゃぶマイにも持って行った鉢 セダムの花弁は普通5枚だそうですが、黄色い小さな七弁の花が咲きました Sedum multiceps ベンケイソウ科セダム属 アルジェリア原産

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This is my pot I'm most proud of. String of Pearls with Sedum Confusum. The pearls are going CRAZY right now, so I keep trimming the tips and putting them in other pots (this is the mother pot)

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Burros Tail - Sedum morganianum -

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Some happy little sedums in ink and watercolor. 😊 .

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Zoran is done -I think, might ad BG I dunno-

They have Red Velvet [?](Echeveria Harmsii), Astroloba (Astroloba Tenax) Echeveria (Echeveria Laui), Aloe Vera (Aloe Vera), Donkey Tail (Sedum morganianum) I have never learned/read so much on succulents in all my life 😱

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