Alright alright already, get your mind out of the gutter 👏💢💦💦

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27 285

Really loving collecting more games for my SEGA Mega CD. I've only scratched the surface of the games library and I'm already pretty blown away. Need some recommendations for some great games now. Any help guys?

21 80

Snatcher (1988)
SegaCD, PlayStation & others

Directors: Naoki Matsui & Hideo Kojima
Designers: Hideo Kojima, Yoshihiko Ota & Tomiharu Kinoshita
Artist: Satoshi Yoshioka
Writer: Hideo Kojima
Composers: Konami Kukeiha Club

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was ahead of its time... But did everything right! What do you think?

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Three days, several sittings, approximately 16 hours total, Photoshop CS3, Wacom Cintiq tablet, several cans of Cherry Coke, 10 episodes of Pole Position on repeat and I'm done!

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A bit of sexy Sega CDX action, & then bed ;-)

10 13