Seifuku_Jyoshi Isabella

She belongs to the art club and good at drawing watercolors.
She wants to go to an art school to study, and she works part-time to earn tuition.
She decides to go to college without the help of her family.

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Seifuku_Jyoshi Sayoko

A girl who has a flower arrangement.
Her grandfather has forced her to train hard and she wants to play with her friends, but her grandfather doesn't allow it.
She's weak and can't express her opinion easily.

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制服女子#2 さよこ


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制服女子 オリビア


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Seifuku_Jyoshi Olivia

She loves exercise and particularly good at running.
The 50-meter dash has a record of 5.9 seconds.
She's not good at studying. She has a big sister and loves her! They often go shopping together.

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制服女子 リディア


0 5

制服女子 エヴリン


0 3

Seifuku_Jyoshi Lydia

She is a uniformed girl who belongs to the baton club. She has a good sense of technique to music and often takes the role of instructing younger students. She is not very good at cartwheels and is currently practicing.

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Seifuku_Jyoshi Evelyn

She is a uniformed girl who belongs to the rock band club and is in charge of vocals. Vocal practice and physical fitness are essential for her to have a beautiful singing voice.She loves singing more than anything else

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制服女子 ノヴァ


0 1

制服女子 リリアン


0 3

Seifuku_Jyoshi Novah

A girl in the drama club who loves frills. She arranges her favorite frills on her school uniform as well. She works part-time at a maid cafe where she can wear frilly clothes, and is good at serving customers.

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Seifuku_Jyoshi Lilian

She is a uniformed girl member of the Rhythmic Gymnastics Club. Since she has just joined the club, her body is still very stiff, so gymnastics exercises are part of her daily routine.

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制服女子 ルーシー


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制服女子 クロエ


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Seifuku_Jyoshi Lucy

She is a uniformed girl who belongs to volleyball. She is good at sports and often participates in clubs that require help, not limited to volleyball. She loves green tea flaver ice cream.

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Seifuku_Jyoshi Chloe

She is a uniformed girl who belongs to the art club. She loves video games, especially RPGs. She is a self-taught illustrator and her dream is to work for a game company and create game characters in the future.

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制服女子 グレース


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制服女子 アリア


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Seifuku_Jyoshi Grace

She is a member of the softball club and wears a cap as her trademark. She is proud of her red hair and plays softball every day. She is a star pitcher, and training to strengthen her lower body is essential.

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