Roses are red, violets are blue, family caregivers deserve compensation, too. 🌹

A message of today to the 53 million unpaid who are doing their best to support their loved ones every day.

Here's a reminder to take time for yourself today. 🫶

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You are enough! More than enough✨️

It’s my favorite month! The month of love 💗 I’m here to share some self-love + Fanart.

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Self care and love is important too, remember to spend this Valentine’s Day celebrating you as well

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Hey. You've survived every tough, awful day. You can do this. ♥

All My Best,
(Kate Allan), author of You Can Do All Things

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Thx for the tag💖

Talking with your inner child
Only by reconnecting with your inner child you can start to heal those old wounds, it never easy but it’s perfect start to understand yourself more, and it will lead to selflove

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Leading•You•To•The•Best•You• ♥️💛♥️
🦉#selflove 💗#ThursdayThoughts

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What Love Says...As you tune into conscious awareness, your heart remembers you are a magnificent creator. It is here that you discover a plethora of OWLsome things bubbling to the surface.

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As you practice inward tenderness, loving the bones, heart and soul of you, feathers and all your love becomes deeper. embrace love in your life and enjoy What Love Says series.

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Breaks are important! You deserve them! You don't need to earn them! It's okay to be a person and not a productive robot!

Exclamation points!

All My Best,
, author of You Deserve Nice Things

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What Love Says...Floating along with love, you merge into the great ocean within; love, wisdom and knowledge. One drop of love kisses your heart with this inner, you are love.

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Hey, you've survived every single day of your whole life. You got this. ♥

All My Best,
(Kate Allan), author of You Can Do All Things

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