Hi guys! So I made a fanart for featuring Sensui and Taguro < 3 ate , I hope you can see this artowrk of mine💞

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A very early Rudolph: detail of a miniature of a stag from Bartholomaeus Minus de Senis, Tractatus de herbis, Italy (Salerno), c1280-1310.
Ok, a stag isn't a reindeer, but this comes medievally close, wouldn't you say? 🤓

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Veganer essen eigentlich nur Knäckebrot und Gras.
Auch ich esse niemals etwas Süßes 🤪

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Hey Makhluk Senis! Remember our HomeGrown Makhluk Seni project? It's now available (for free) to be downloaded online! Have a read at https://t.co/BhqFkGPY7W

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Olá tenho 18 anos e estou em busca de me tornar um ótimo desenista e se possível trabalhar com isso,espero que gostem 🤗

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6-My wallflowers..

Thanks for the art prompts , sad I could only manage making 4/10 but I made sure each of them was satisfying for me .

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カイガク シアワセに
なって ほしい
グッズ ほとんどない
とても かなしい
きみの えがおが
みたい そんな毎日


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Me vs My Art

My girls are always donning beautiful traditional clothing; a way i preserve tradition. They all have names and I pour my heart and soul in creating each and every one them. https://t.co/HQHIt0vvHL

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31 Mar 1637: John Sinnich of becomes professor of Theology at & canon of Sint-Pieterskerk He makes his career as a vigorous defender of Jansenist opinions, as well as becoming Rector Magnificus of the university (googlebooks)

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