8e session !

Fiona de Octavia1helary sur AF
Nissa de ShadowZamai sur AF
Koshobe de LycaShade34 sur AF
Ember de

3 10

Ohhh!! I would really love to draw a fresh of for a warm-up!

Here is my shobu. My shobean. They are my longtime DND character. A swords bard!

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Slowly getting NMT comms done!! Planning to finish them all by Sunday before leaving to go camping

(Also have a shober

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time to shobe bad thoughts back

1 4

Ofc! As my boy below is telling you, shobekx 😊📩📩⤵️

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stumbling upon a bunch of tee hee misandry X3 blogs, one of them ran by person who apparently became a transhobe

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Birthday gift for TaishoBee on dA

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spotted in their natural habitat.

(He‘s the Shobe & I‘m the Pom.)

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