“Just don’t put me in the position of having to kill You.”

42 83

"So are you my guardian angel?"
"Something like that."
ShorAsh gift for

17 42

I’m rusty AF with art, but the 80s playlist at the cafe today was just too inspiring. 🙌🏼

57 156

based on this tweet https://t.co/KWbknyaMnk i did this shorash i love it but i dont know how to draw smoke or do anything at all so sorry but yeah
whats the jp tag for them???

51 112

dying in la by panic at the disco, but make it shorasheiji

0 3

"I miss them... so much."

gift for loosely based on your ShorAsh headcanons that broke my heart.

60 110

Enjoy some Shorash, friends. Draw Your Squad pose credit to mugges over on Tumblr!

9 28

I drew too much yesterday I needed to cleanse my palette with these two dorks. Someone on curiouscat suggested I draw kissing but this is a SFW art account and so they can hol d h a n ds

73 229

Just a couple of blonde lesbians c: It's gonna take a while to finish that other big piece but I just loved the outfits I gave them so I decided to doodle it first! Here's Gege Shorter, pre-purple hawk

57 145

i realized i havent contributed to the shorash community

86 239

You can look, but you can't touch.

(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*✲゚*。⋆ Here's some more shorash

20 62

Some belated ShorAsh for ! Shorter takes good care of his hungry street kid. 💛

22 54