Wanted to do more Sugar and Judge. Some Pink Lemonade action.

8 61

Sometimes Sans forgets to put on clothes before going to work. Especially if he had a rough, late night. Fortunately, his husband GG is there to remind him.

4 55

There’s a place where Mirror and Judge can relax in the water. Filled with nature, noises and fire flies at night. I’m super proud of this. <3 made a mistake, just in case..he is half nakie.

2 43

Last picture of Judge being a hoe. For and their Puppy Pappy.

2 20

Okay, I drew Judge. He’s in heat, anyone wanna help? He’s a switch so.....?

4 31

Sandiwara Sastra Episode 5

Perempuan Indigo

Alih wahana dari novel Lalita karya Ayu Utami

sebagai Lalita
sebagai Sandhi Yudha
sebagai Narator

Rabu, 5 Agustus 2020
Pukul 17.00 WIB
Di siniar (podcast) Budayakita

4 10

Blue in heat and grabbed the nearest Paps.

7 91

I got procreate! I’m practicing it more. But take a Judge and Mirror!

5 45

Mirror doesn't understand Innuendo Shirts! And some Farmer! Sans suggested by a friend.
Also, I decided to look at Anime grabbing Boobs hence the one top right.

14 171

Slab (Earth Elementa) and Lavar (Black Flame Elemental) having a bit of fun. Slab is *huge* and Lavar can handle it.

Slab is an of belonging to <3

6 17

Wanted to draw Mirror in a bikini. But he gets super flustered about it.

Then there are people. Then.... there is Judge.

3 47

Here is swapfell Paps (Mutt) with Judge. Sans (Black) tugging~

11 52

Judge getting fckn wreck by Horror! Sans AKA Blood.

2 38

The Berries in Suits based on a few pictures on discord. Snow flirting, Royal is shy, and Sans is just "laughing"

2 20

Podcast Kondang Jaya

Berawal dari pertemanan semasa SMP yang berlanjut pada teman seangkringan, dan dengan membawa pula seorang karib yang dikenal dari sebuah warung internet, kini Podcast Kondang Jaya akan menemanimu setiap malam kliwon di spotify.

Link on bio

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