[The true greatest S-Class Hero] 1/2

Who needs psychic powers when you're big enought to just with your toe being able to crush entire cities at once?

Commission to

216 1212


Mt.Ojou-sama, knowed for be a very challengeing mountain due be very slippery and to have a smell that is too strong despite its appearance. Maybe you hear a sound like "OOOHOHOHOHO" too.

238 1218

[Unaware Angela]

Angela (Lobotomy Company) don't have many feelings, and this includes the feeling of stomping some micro people

Done for , as a part of the Christmas Trade. Hope you like it 💕

234 1363

[Lost Nami Alt]

Just another version, because i just can't draw Nami and isn't this design kapa

Part of commission to

228 1274

[Lost Nami]

Nami think she's Zoro to get lost like this.

(dialogues and non dialogues versions)

Commission to

264 1457

[Estrella tower]

Jith OC's Estrella seems to having some fun DESTROYING A TOWER LIKE NOTHING 😱 Why she's so cruel😭

Commission to

177 1026

[The True King of Britannia] 4/4

After all this touble, Morgan uses her power to restore everything back, except of someone, thats need to learn to not mess with people who shouldn't

Commision to

133 861

[The True King of Britannia] 2/4

The Grand Caster Appears, using her most powerful Noble Phantasm.

Commision to

202 1220

[The True King of Britannia] 1/4

As you can see, isn't a good idea to choose violence agains others to get what you need, even more, when they clearly can help you.

Commision to

182 1197

[Goddess who painted this desert] 3/3

There's no god, or goddess, who destroy without have the intention of re-create. The only thing she wants, is to add more "color" to this desert.

75 495

have some love my Tinys ~<3

draw by MikiTakamoto

15 100

[Do you belive in Witches?]

If there is anyone stubborn in this world, our beloved "Beettler" Ushiromiya is more. Well, in this situation I believe that many of you would be stubborn too.

Gift to

244 1415

[Lupe Cineau World Rampage]

Funny to see people asking me some minor characters in pieces that barelly have size art, like Gundam (that aren't TWM)

Comission to

116 599

[Sayame workout] 3/3

If you list the top 10 of saunas in the world, at least, 6 are Sayame's things, like socks, shoes, and shorts. But i don't know if Amy like any of them '-'

Comission to

204 1132

[Sayame workout] 2/3

Different of some bodybuilders, Sayame train her lower body too, specially her feet. The "problem" is that they don't are too hygienic, and Amy know about this...

Comission to

180 1008

[Sayame workout] 1/3

Sayame loves the feeling of her body being sore and sweaty after training, it's like proof that she really worked hard.......BUT AMY DOESN'T LIKE THAT LOL

Comission to

190 1335

[Giant Girls and Panzers] 3/4

Oh no, an Earthquake hit our girls. What it is supposed to be? 🫢

Comission to

96 689