So I heard thou like dungeon?

One of the art from the Deltarune series: Rouxls Kaard.

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NEW MOUNT!!! farmed out the rest of my maruuk rep just now, now i just have iskaara left and ill have all reps maxed :]

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I couldn't resist a little more silliness today with another ska-wrestling mashup. This time, hailing from the Great White North, it's

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2 NEW MOUNTS!! finally decided to do enough to get to renown 25 with iskaara and got my two mounts

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Ik ben eigenlijk te laart.
Maar hier is mijn zelf gemaakte valentijnskaart.

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4 11

As I am standing here, my prince, my only prayer

Is that you'll come, running to save me

And so I wonder, why can't I even dream?

4 10


9 26

Eli: a survivor of teldrassil deciding to pick up a blade and fight
Turned to studying plagues during their ventures to Maldraxxus, picked up a certain slimey feline.
Now learning the trade of ottuk wrangling and breeding, living their best life in Iskaara.

3 15

We've found Kled! He's come prepared for the festivities along with skaarl… And he does not like our filming crew! Run!


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