I nominate you as my favorite celeb SketchyChic ...got milk

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If you're drunk and you know it, clap your feet.

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All these years I thought Bon Jovi gave love a band-aid. Duh.

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I've finally decided to do something about my weight. Lie.

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If by exercise you mean take naps and eat cupcakes, then yes, I exercise everyday. At least twice.

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Enjoy Labor Day...especially since it's the last holiday until Thanksgiving!

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Don't act like you've never overslept because you set your calculator to $7.30.

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That would look FANTASTIC in my living room! -me, drunk, about to steal a traffic cone

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I'm pretty certain I just perfected my sexy kitten dance

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80% of women use the silent treatment when they’re mad. The other 20% use a shovel.

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Roses are red
Violets are purple
Nothing rhymes with purple
Except nurple
Wanna make out?

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