I have my moth, Carnage!! She's a chemical scientist who does work for Eggman in exchange for use of his lab facility. In my fanon she helped work on the metal virus behind the scenes. 😊✌🏽
(first pic by @/ToastyRaincloud, third by @/SkywaySki!)

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I feel like it was alright. Nothing too bad but not great either. If anything Skyway Patrol were assholes and the "donald trump lookin ass" Don was quite a big douche tbh but otherwise it was fine.

Either way you cant deny that Jenny looks adorable as a delivery gal :)

1 4

I'm happy to share my art for the "SKYWAY" Book project.

The world of the future, where people's work is done by robots and Ai. In my illustrations, I thought about what robots involved in the fishing industry might look like.

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I should upload a few of my ocs here..smdj
This is my girl Forsythia also known as Sia! She’s super hot headed uvu also a character apart of @/_skywayzone’s lore and design was by @/NiiGHTBURN

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Sunshine Skyway Graphic Rainbow by Aimee L Maher ALM GALLERY https://t.co/mNCFKu1FI1

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My second boy for @/Skywayzone’s lore! I rlly love whimsical nature themed characters, so I felt compelled to make another 🥺💐🌸 precious deer boi

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So I’m in @/_skywayzone’s discord server and people are allowed to make their own tribals, I don’t want to make a new character because I already have heaps that need work first but for a bit of fun I sketched up kandy as if she was a tribal (non cannon obviously)

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Разворот для

11 103

В апреле я не успела выложить свои работы для замечательного поэтому с запозданием показываю вам мой разворот *_*

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people on the internet when you mention da funny beep block skyway music

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So. I'm going to be giving Libby a few different outfits (since she is a model and wouldn't have just one!) and this is one of them!! A special shout out to @/_skywayzone for helping me with it!

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(Art by @:Drawloverlala and @/_skywayzone)
So far these are the only ideas I’ve gathered that I like (I know Sky’s character (AKA, Soars mom) isn’t a princess... that waist cape thing she’s wearing tho gives me ideas tho)

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> Skywayの有料版が10万円〜

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My illustrations for

Deit's dream about Ionna.. Or a nightmare. In any case, he is fascinated by this creature.

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со вчерашнего дня можно было выкладывать работы по
это артбук, объединённый темой "будущее"
а у меня просто пленер в инопланетных условиях

2 35

Pages for sci-fi artbook
She said "I don't think we'll find anything valuable here, but hey it's pretty in here!"

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