Waterfall in Småland

Larson's wonderful depiction of natural force in Sweden, Waterfall in Smaland: https://t.co/vqj96ovLMl

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De där små djuren har jag snott nånstans men minns inte varifrån. De har blivit arketyper. Assar?

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Småningom kände sig mumintrollet ängsligt&frågade sin mamma om hon trodde det fanns några farliga djur därinne. ”Knappast”, sa hon, ”fast det är kanske bäst att vi går lite fortare i alla fall. Men jag hoppas att vi är så små att vi inte märks ifall det skulle komma något farligt

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Waterfall in Småland

Larson's wonderful depiction of natural force in Sweden, Waterfall in Smaland: https://t.co/vqj96ovLMl

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The delivery cervice that usually goes by foot. This little helper robot is about to be delivered to a customer.

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Oops accidentally posted ig cropped version, not that it matters since the crop is so smål but here the piece

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Today I’m feeling nostalgic about two trusty old friends I bought in Japan when I was there for my exchange, smål one was 5€ and big 15€, both are old but still work perfectly :”)
Do you have a special art comrade? Please tell me about them 🖤

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Waterfall in Småland

Larson's wonderful depiction of natural force in Sweden, Waterfall in Smaland: https://t.co/vqj96ovLMl

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"Som en tax eller en tunna på två små stumpar." :,D Jösses.

(Konsumentbladet, 1915.)

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Hvor redd skal vi være CO2?
Klimafølsomhet – hva er det og hva betyr verdien for strategien for tiltak. https://t.co/87leZJG6DU
Professor emeritus Hans Martin Seip, skriver for BKA om faglige spørsmål. Har i mange år arbeidet med forskning og formidling for Cicero

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Küçük ışıklarımızı taşıdığımız sürece umut vardır.
Det er håp så lenge vi bærer våre små lys.
There is hope as long as we carry our little lights.

Freedom is always freedom for anyone who thinks differently // Rosa Luxemburg (1871-1919)

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Efteråret er småspisningens årstid...

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In Blendasägnen, Blenda of Småland saves her country from invasion by inviting the warriors to a feast. She sees to it that the invaders are plied with alcohol. Alongside her army of women, she kills the men after they fall into drunken slumber.

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(June 15 OS), visited the small island /#Blåkulla in the strait between & He listed the plants, so "#botanists will have a reliable These included borealis.
(NMP https://t.co/BnngLkYRM0).

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(May 26 OS), was shown (#Phallus impudicus; a scarce found in by a local doctor). Boys were eating sylvestris as a snack; he extolled its virtues as a plant. Then he saw (#Caprimulgus europaeus).

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Fra mandag tar jeg over stripeserien Nobelkomiteen som går i
Håper ikke for mange får morgenkaffen i halsen over små... kunstneriske endringer etterhvert...
(forfatter Anders Bortne forblir den samme gjennom hele vikariatet)
Følg serien gjennom en spennende sommer!

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