Reminder to all our Kiddoes at our cafe. If you have a booboo no fear, Mr. Nurse is always glad to aid you and bring that smile back c: But really, no running on the establishment.

28 180

Our new employee loves going outside on her breaks to feed the birds, good thing we have Mr. Security to remind our staff to wear snap gear for when outing the cafe ^^ Such a good boy he is.

5 51

This dragon sure makes some amazing shakes~ <3 You should try one. Also, pay them a nice compliment ^^ He is a such a good boy after all

23 94

If you thought that our baristas don't notice how much your tail wags as you enjoy your order, you are wrong. They will do their best to remember those combinations that just make you sooooo happy c:

33 157

Wanna express your appreciation and love for that one plush that helps you pull through so much and its always there for you?? Then bring them for a nice They sure will have a blast.

18 110

This smol helper sure can be bratty from time to time, especially to those coworkers he cares a lot for, but SHHHHHH I didn't tell you that <3

22 123

Things may get out of hand but its always good to praise those good employees, especially when they can keep their cool afterward. Plus it's good to deliver warm messages from loved ones.

16 89

Oh yes, how about some nice and soothing tea. Just the best to chill and hang out with your friends and family~

22 115

The funny thing about working here is that you never know you will meet up next. Even if that someone is your father figure!!?? Hi BigBro/Dad~

19 96

As a manager/owner I need to walk around the place and checking on our kiddoes to feel nice and welcomed, but that doesn't mean I don't also take it on me to check on my employees as well <3

10 51

I always enjoy handing out the uniforms for the first time. Their faces are the best, I mean it's in the contract :P Remember to read the smol print <3

35 168

Oh boy~ Looks like our Smol Helper here just wants to prove that he ain't that smol ... but I dunno those bottles are almost his size :P Maybe I should stay close just in case. You go helper *cheers on*

18 75

Sometimes accidents happen at our venue, and no, I ain't talking about those ones, but no need to worry, our handyman is ready to have everything in mint condition for our kiddoes <3

12 71

One of our Smol Helpers sure is a determined one c: Always doing his best ^^

21 108

Our employees sure work hard bringing smiles to our kiddoes so we sure try to keep them comfy in their locker rooms and resting areas ^^

32 159

We also offer part-time jobs, introducing our Smol Helpers, so full of energy and doing their best and - wait, AHHHH CAREFUL!!

8 50

BREAKFAST IS READY!~ Join us~#SmolCafe How about a nice a Croissant Sandwich or a fresh stack of fluffy Pancakes~

10 48

Oh dear, I don't think Mr. Chef is too happy with Mr. Officer. Hmmm, or is it Mr. Kiddo for now?

9 56

Don't worry kiddoes, Mr. Officer is always willing to help out if you have a small problem, however, remember not to running in the venue.

26 177

We sure have some bouncy and eager to work employees here~ Ready to deliver SMILES~

36 137