Det är fredag och snart jul, så jag passar på att skicka mina varmaste vinterhälsningar till alla vänner, kollegor och följare. Denna gång hade jag ingen ork över för att knåpa ihop ett fysiskt kort, så bestämde mig för något nytt: ett digitalt julkort med animerade inslag.

3 26

with the bread, & when the philanthropist saw a man in line hurry off to his home with his loaf instead of eating it himself, he had the man followed & aided the family.”

1 2

here are the all new stickers! (you can also find a sticker of the snart bundle logo)

0 8

Yea snart bundle has a 4 weeks for my 3 best characters plus one for myself

Then the freeplay songs are just characters i dont really think need a week

0 3

Hey, friends is on its way, so don't miss out on your chance to get your hands on all of this!

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Ive gave love to blint
And The nowhere man as of recently

I think its gorps turn

0 26

I cant read

Anyway you should draw snart (drawing snart is good for the heart and soul)

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(You cant say their voices in the snart bundle songs)

1 16

I mean normal forbidden snart is already fucking horrendous

0 1

Don't miss out on She'll never forgive you. You'll never forgive yourself....

2 4

God bedring, David. Håper du snart er oppe og ute i norsk natur igjen. Det er alltid kjekt å se både de bildene du tar og de du maler.

I love so many paintings, but none more than this portrait of my oldest daughter by the fabulous ❤️

1 14

I dont have alot of plans for snart bundle for v2 as of rn besides characters

There is one idea for the nightmare snarts song :)

4 38

i thinks that all me characters in snart bundle are pretty interesting me thinks

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