Así fracasa el socialismo

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Iniciando a serie de elfos ,Rita Von Hunty é uma guerreira élfica que faz a vigília das Terras dos Comuns contra a tentativa de invasão da Guilda dos Banqueiros .

Compartilhe e marque camaradas !

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"Nazi" is a shortened
form of the German phrase
("National Socialism"-
which only ever really
amounted to Fascism),
later shortened to
and then "Nazi".

Proposed here would be
thus "Na-sti-smus",
or "Nasti".

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En definitiva: no hay posible reforma verde del capitalismo. Urge la construcción revolucionaria de un modo de producción sostenible. Ahora más que nunca se hace tangible la premisa "socialismo o barbarie".

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* Defending Socialism: Debunking Anti-Communist Myths:

* In Defense of Marxism w/ The Sensible Socialist:

* Defending Socialism: Deconstructing the "Communism Killed 100 Million" Lie:

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Isabella worked in the mills from the age of 16, and dedicated her life to campaigning for better things.

Her causes were working conditions, socialism and suffrage - the themes of our next story No Surrender

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¿Dónde están?

El 19 de mayo de 1977 fue detenido José Liberio Poblete Roa, miembro de la comunidad "Cristianos por el Socialismo", junto a su cónyuge de nacionalidad argentina y su hija de ocho meses Claudia Poblete Hlaczik.

¡Ni perdón ni olvido!

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Camarada espero que você curta!
Tava aqui assistindo (como sempre) suas aulas e bateu a vontade de lançar aquela carica! Parabéns pelo trabalho, camarada!

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I don't vote for Socialists: Democratic Socialists or Theocratic Socialists.

My grandmother fled in Belarus circa 1915.
Nazis also removed body autonomy & human rights.

I'm an American.

Why aren't any of our politicians?

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Nihilists! Fuck me. I mean, say what you want about the tenets of National Socialism, Dude, at least it’s an ethos.

This is not Vietnam, this is bowling. There are rules.

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We see arguments like this every day about "the other side." Mainstream US politics is caught between the far-right & centrists (both desire capitalism-- not socialism). The only people to be reasoned with are moderates.

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all the media says is "RACISM, SHOOTINGS, SOCIALISM, KKK"

I just wanna make protein shakes for God's sake!

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«Podríamos encaminarnos hacia el ecosocialismo o el ecofacismo. Hay múltiples capas de incertidumbre»

Entrevista a la gran Thea Riofrancos en La Pública. Primer contenidos que compartimos en la web.

¡No os la perdáis!


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Compassion is not weakness and concern for the unfortunate is not socialism.
- Hubert Humphrey, US Vice President (27 May 1911-1978)

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War cannot be abolished unless classes are abolished and Socialism is created (

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Next week I will be defending my dissertation "Socialism, Livestock, and Disaster: An Environmental and Animal History of Mongolian Collectivization"! May 25, 10-noon. If you want to attend, you are welcome to do so! Just send me a message and I will send along the link.

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Happy birthday to Karl Marx!
Visit Marxist Books for a wide selection of works by Marx or about the ideas of the founder of scientific socialism; ideas that only become more relevant and necessary each day.

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On May 1st, 1949, the essay 'Why Socialism?' was published in the first issue of Monthly Review, written by actual genius, Albert Einstein.

It addresses some of the main & ongoing problems with capitalism, predatory economic competition, & growing wealth inequality.

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Por um dia de luta classista, sem conciliação com patrões, exploradores e golpistas - um dia de agitação pela luta independente da classe trabalhadora pelo Poder Popular e o socialismo.

Domingo, em São Paulo - venha para o Primeiro de Maio de Luta na Praça da Sé, às 10h!

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