Congrats!! 💜💜

Um well I really don’t know what to say there also sorry for ping I think??

Close ups ⬇️⬇️⬇️


16 48

happy young man that we all love <33
now i rest or i'll die

44 258

i love you and your voice very much and you are my no.1 person cool <3

0 4

Absolutely loving the content and the community! :D

28 229

I kinda rushed this one by waking up at 6 am lmaO- anyways 8 YEARS OF TECHNOBLADE! :DDD

4 28

*fucking dies* it's done!
you're amazing techno 💜 thanks for bringing fun to our lives with your channel :]

5 54

love you big man! here are some of my favorite fanart i've made :D thank you for all the laughs and being a huge inspiration 🐷

0 16

its the 29th here now but fuck it--
happy 8 years big man!

195 1632


Happy 8 on Youtube Technoblade :)

3 20

Congrats techno!! You and your content mean so much to me,, it helped me go through a lot of struggles but thank youu :DD

have some old art I made last year

1 13

It's been 8 years since Technoblade started his channel and it's been absolutely amazing

I love his content and he's been my emotional support since I found him

0 8

I started watching Techno's content when I was in 2nd or 3rd grade
Happy 8 Years Techno!!

1 9